
What is Capillaritis?<\/h2>\n

This is a medical term, not a medical condition that is used to describe a type of skin disorder that is very common. Capillaritis is also called pigmented purpura<\/a><\/em>. It is not a harmful condition but it can cause a person who has this skin disorder to feel insecure and embarrassed because of the way it makes you look. Capillaritis normally appears in the leg but it can sometimes appear on your upper extremities and trunk but is never present on your face. There are many different types of capillaritis. This skin disorder is normally found in people who work in occupations that require them to stand for long extended periods of time. This skin disorder is usually life-long and intermittently will flare up. Capillaritis can happen to any gender, race, or age but is more prominent in adults. The most common type of capillaritis is called Schamberg\u2019s disease<\/em>, which is referred to as progressive pigmented purpura<\/em>.<\/p>\n

Capillaritis Symptoms<\/h2>\n

Because there are many different kinds of capillaritis there can be a variance of symptoms but in all types there is one common symptom and that is the color of the lesion.<\/p>\n